Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Big City Moms, always supporting LLD, invited us to their Sleep Experts Lunch to speak about the importance of communicating bedtime routines to your sitter. Here are a few important tips!

1. Give your sitter a tour of your home. Show your sitter the kids rooms, point out dangerous areas you want the kids to stay away from and give specific instructions on how things work.

2. Bedtime Rules. Talk to your sitter about your bedtime routine with the kids i.e. What time do you begin to wind down the night? What is your child's favorite story and/or bedtime song? What time should they be asleep by?

3. Special Instructions.  Are there any special rules you have? Do your kids have any allergies the sitter should know about? Are the kids sick and need medicine?

4. Exchange Contact Info. Be sure to leave your sitter with your cell phone and an emergency contact numbers. Be sure to get her cell phone number so that you can text her throughout the night if you have any questions or to check in.

5. Anything else? Sitters are happy to lend a helping hand. If you'd like them to unload the dishwasher or change the laundry most sitters won't mind. Especially once they have been at your home a few times and you feel connected to them. They will be happy to help! 

I stayed to listen to Kira Ryan, mom, sleep lover and co-founder of Dream Team, speak about her infant & toddler sleep tips.Here are a few!

·         Newborns should get 15-18 hours of sleep per day (24hrs)
·         A good bedtime for an infant is between 6-8pm
·         Signs of a sleepy infant: the cry is different, no engagement or eye contact, fussy
·          What is normal?
o   Up to 6 mo infants take naps every 1 ½ -2 hours
o   At 6mo infants usually take 2 naps per day
o   15-18 mo 1 long nap in the afternoon
o   Naps or ‘quiet time’ is recommended up to 3-4 years
·         White noise machines are great especially for city noise
·         Crib should be a sleep sanctuary, anything that screams party or playground should be removed
·         Check the nursery temperature! It should be between 68-72 F.
·         Is the room dark enough? Get blackout shades!

For more info on Dream Team click here or more info on Big City Mom events click here.

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