Only in NYC are kids taken underground for a cool dance experience with a rockin’ out DJ, yummy organic snacks, puppet making and more!
It all came alive this Halloween at the Baby Loves Disco event held at Le Poisson Rouge down on Bleeker. LLD hosted the popular puppet making table sponsored by Creativity for Kids, the company is based in my ole stomping grounds Cleveland, OH and has tons of inspiring products to entertain your child.
It was so cool.
The kids came decked out in lil’ spooktacular costumes and broke it down on the dance floor. Some of these kids can really dance. Huggies sponsored the event, which lucky moms left with heaps of diapers. My friends at Macaroni Kid Downtown were there giving kids Halloween tattoos, Plum Organics was next to our table handing out snacks, and moms loved learning about the new Chess NYC buddies programs & IntenSati for Mommies workshop on the UWS both of who are partnering their services with LLD! It was a day filled with fun for the kids as well as informational for the parents!
Moms & Dads left the event with a gift bag filled with coupons from Whole Foods, Clean Well & Ella’s Kitchen as well as lots of fun new activities to keep your lil’ ones active this winter! And for you loyal readers use code DISCO at check out on the Clean Well website!
Can’t wait for the next Baby Loves Disco Event November 5th in Park Slope!
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