Monday, June 27, 2011
Hey Dads! Check this out!
Who knew that Dads were just as stressed about balancing work and family as Moms are! To read more visit:
We’ll we are here to support you Dads! Keep on being the best Dads you can be, and when you need help, just give us a holler!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day!
Friday, June 17, 2011
The sweetest event of the year! Dream Water’s “Sweet Dreams” Event
So all you frozen yogurt lovers, Dream Water fanatics, and Moms and Dads, grab your kids and visit to vote for one of three Dream Water inspired flavors: Honey Lavender, Cranberry Hibiscus or White Peach Tea. Voting is super easy! Just “Like” the page then vote on your favorite “Sweet Dreams” Frozen Yogurt. The flavor with the most votes by June 24 at 2:00 p.m. PST/5:00 p.m. EST will be crowned the “Sweet Dreams” flavor and will be created and available at The Bigg Chill June 29 & 30.
For all you LA Lucky L’il Darling families and supporters out there don’t forget to join us for the event at The Bigg Chill where you can taste the winning flavor and win Dream Water prizes. Just to give you an idea, every customer who purchases the new “Sweet Dreams” yogurt in stores will receive a FREE Dream Water 2.5 oz sample. And if you get there early, the first 50 customers in line on June 29th will receive a FREE 6-pack of Dream Water.
Don’t worry all you East-Coasters, there are prizes available for you too! After you visit and “Like” Dream Water on Facebook to vote, you will be automatically entered for a chance to win fun prizes such as t-shirts and 6-packs of Dream Water, OR, the Grand Prize of a FREE 3-month supply of Dream Water.
Remember, vote online at now through Friday, June 24th. LA locals don’t forget to stop by The Big Chill In-Store event on Wednesday, June 29th and Thursday, June 30th.
And as Dream Water would say, Dream Responsibly!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
A Yummy Gift for Dad!
One of our favorites is The Dad Pack, a gift package complete with top sirloins, burgers, and stuffed baked potatoes. Now doesn’t that make your stomach growl! Another tasty option is The Omaha Surprise, a collection of bacon-wrapped filets, potatoes au gratin, and chocolate lover’s cake. Here's a picture of the package right off of the Omaha website.

Better yet, there are discounts of up to 61% online! Just for you moms out there, Omaha Steak has an offer you can’t refuse. Enjoy 12 Free Omaha Steaks Burgers with any purchase by using THIS link (and this link only): If you want those delectable burgers, you better move fast because this offer ends 6/20/2011 and is only valid through this link.
Keep checking back with Lucky L’il Darlings for more fabulous ideas for Father’s Day and updates. We wish everyone a Happy Father’s Day!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Thanks to everyone for coming!
We hope everyone had an amazing time at the trunk show last month organized by BrightZoo and Modern Mommy! The event was hosted in a beautiful space in downtown New York where parents could take in the beautiful views of NYC while shopping for their little ones. Even better, Lucky L’il Darlings was right there with them! While the parents shopped, we supervised their kids in a conveniently located playroom.
The clothes were the absolute cutest around from such stylish brands as Purebaby, Siaomimi, Serendipity, Three Little Trees, Masala, Soft, Pink Chicken Swimwear, shirin and much, much more. Round of applause for all those trend setter parents that made the trip because a portion of the proceeds are being donated to The Autism Society of America. Shopping and charity, what could be better!
If you missed out, don’t fret! You can check out more of the collection of baby products at MD Moms website. These pediatrician mommy’s have created a whole line of products for babies and kids that are coveted by moms everywhere!
Keep checking back at the Lucky L’il Darlings Blog, Twitter, and Facebook for upcoming events and info for all you loving parents out there!